Saturday, May 15, 2010

California Wedding

Just returned from California, where I worked my brother and now sister-in-law's wedding. I wasn't the official photographer - they had a husband and wife photojournalist team who did a great job shooting the day for them. I was actually the entertainment for the wedding - I sang several sets of songs including their first dance. When I get my hands on an image, I'll post it here. I did manage to pop off a couple of shots between my sets - one sunset portrait of Seth and Erin outside the Scripps Aquarium in San Diego where they had the reception. It was a truly amazing day - gorgeous weather, ceremony right over the beach and just a wonderful celebration of a great couple!

1 comment:

benilhalk said...

Wow!! What a wonderful photography. It reminded me of my sister’s wedding at one of wedding venues Los Angeles. A talented wedding photographer was hired who did a great job in clicking beautiful pictures. Going to hire him for my wedding too.