Thursday, April 15, 2010

Amendment to Press Release

It was brought to my attention that our math regarding our 44% "Inequality in Marriage" discount was slightly off. Technically, there are only 5 states that recognize same-sex unions, leaving 45 states where marriage equality does not exist. Washington D.C. also recognizes same-sex marriages, but does not qualify as a state. Since our original idea was for the discount to reflect the number of states where same-sex marriage is not recognized, we are adjusting the discount to 45%.

We appreciate the support - and the constructive criticism - we have received from the press, wedding websites, gay rights groups and same-sex couples.

We continue to look forward to the day when same-sex marriage is recognized in all 50 states.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Inequality in Marriage Discount

We wanted to share the following press release with you which went out to the media today announcing our "Inequality in Marriage" discount. We're pushing to get this out in front of not only same-sex couples, but mainstream media as well in an effort to bring more focus to the issue of equality in marriage.


April 6, 2010 Jared Slater

212.591.0642 or 917.403.5538


Wedding Photographer Stands Up for Marriage-Equality

New York, NY - J&J Photography has announced a 44% “ Inequality in Marriage” discount forsame-sex couples who wish to marry, celebrate a commitment ceremony or a civil union.

“We decided the discount should be 44 percent to represent the 44 states where marriage-equality does not exist,” said photographer Jared Slater, who with his wife, Jeanne Slater, owns and operates the New York City-based studio.

“While we know it doesn’t make economic sense for us to offer such an unusually large discount, we are willing to reduce our income to disprove the state legislature’s erroneous perception that straight New Yorkers don’t care about this issue,” said Jared Slater.

As more states recognize the rights of gays to marry, J&J Photography will reduce the discount to reflect the decreasing number of states where same-sex marriage remains unrecognized. When marriage-equality exists in all 50 states, the “Inequality in Marriage” discount will be discontinued. Slater says, “We will ask gay couples to pay the same rates as straight couples when they are given the same rights.”

For more information, call 212.591.0642 or go to
